Sacramento River and Reports
- Almanor Lake
- Berryessa Lake
- Cachuma Lake
- California Delta
- Camanche Lake
- Casitas Lake
- Clear Lake
- Diamond Valley Lake
- Don Pedro Lake
- Folsom Lake
- Iron Gate Reservoir
- McClure Lake
- New Melones Lake
- Oroville Lake
- Perris Lake
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- Almaden Lake
- Almaden Reservoir
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- Black Butte Lake
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- Bullards Bar Lake
- Calero Reservoir
- Camp Far West Lake
- Chabot Lake
- Chesbro Lake
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- Contra Loma Lake
- Coyote Lake
- Del Valle Lake
- Dixon Lake
- Eastman Lake
- Guadalupe Lake
- Hennessy Lake
- Ilsanjo Lake
- Indian Valley Lake
- Kelsey Bass Ranch Lake
- Lafayette Lake
- Lake of the Pines
- Lexington Lake
- Loch Lomond Lake
- Los Banos Lake
- Los Vaqueros Lake
- Mather Lake
- Mendocino Lake
- Mendota Slough Lake
- Merced Lake
- Millerton Lake
- Modesto Reservoir
- Morena Lake
- Murray Lake
- New Hogan Lake
- Nicasio Lake
- Oso Lake
- Pacifica Coastline
- Pardee Lake
- Pillsbury Lake
- Pinto Lake
- Piru Lake
- Quarry Lakes
- Radio Lake
- Rollins Lake
- Ruth Lake
- Sacramento River
- Salt Springs Lake
- San Francisco Bay
- San Justo Lake
- San Pablo Lake
- Shadow Cliffs Lake
- Shastina Lake
- Skinner Lake
- Soulajule Lake
- Spring Lake
- Stevens Creek Lake
- Trinity Lake
- Tulloch Lake
- Turlock Lake
- Uvas Lake
- West Delta
- Whiskeytown Lake
- Woodward Lake
- Woollomes Lake
- Yosemite Lake
Monday, March 2nd, 2020
Water Temp: 59-62
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: My boat is in the shop again, but that's not going to stop me from getting out there this time of year. So I dusted off the Kayak and dumped her in at one of my favorite spots. This area right next to highway 12 on the banks of the Sacramento river is where I first learned to fish the California Delta. I launched the kayak at the tail end of the falling tide around 1000-1030 am. I started out throwing a red craw colored lipless crank to see if I could get on a reaction bite with the last good hour of water movement. I had no luck except for one fish in the 3 pound range that followed it right up to the kayak. With the tide almost bottomed out and little to no current or wind I started punching. I caught my first fish on my second punch with a Cali Craw D bomb. a healthy 3 pound pre-spawn female. I let her go and preceded down the bank punching isolated grass patches. I got bit almost like clock work on the grass patches that had wood mixed in it, like a laydown, bush, or piece of drift wood. All my fish punching were decent quality, with the biggest weighing in at 4 pounds. As I worked the bank back to a spawning pocket. I began seeing multiple fish cruising the shallows looking for there best spawning locations and getting ready to do the deed. Seeing some fish in the 7-8 pound class swimming right by me and not wanting anything to do with my lure is extremely frustrating but I assure you these fish can be caught in a conventional way. I began throwing a weightless swimbait on the surface to see if I could draw a reaction bite from one of the big ones cruising the shallows, and that seemed to be the right move because I preceded to catch 20+ fish over the course of the next couple hours ranging from 1 pound to 3 pounds. Yes! Nothing giant but definitely a fun day of fishing. The tide began rising again around 230 pm which only seemed to help the bite. I ran out of swimbaits by 4 pm and had to switch to a rage toad which didn't really give me the same result. I fished until sun down cycling from top water to punching with some bites here and there but nothing big. I got off the water at 545 pm with a beautiful sunset and counted the day as a success. The last week we have had a 3 or 4 day warming trend which really helped the surface temps rise and get these fish to make a move for the shallows. The warmest water I found was 62 degrees in the back of a spawning pocket. The water has been much clearer this year compared to years past and it is definitely making it tougher to get a reaction bite on moving baits like a lipless crank and a squarebill. I am honestly a little surprised I was able to get so many bites on top, with the clear water and the water temps just barely getting over 60 degrees in most spots. We had a cold front move in this weekend bringing some wind and colder night time temps which should slow these fishes roll a little bit. One more thing before I finish up this report, I know this time of year can be tough for a lot of fisherman but please do not go around snagging fish in the shallows with treble hooks. First of all its illegal and will get you in big trouble with Fish and Game, but also its unsportsmanlike. Anyone can go around Mike Longin (aka snagging) fish and say they caught them using traditional methods but that would make you a liar and honestly an unethical person. Please do your best to take good care of the fish you catch. This means releasing the fish right away after you catch them. This helps the future bass populations and puts less stress on the fish. This time of year is notorious for poaching so keep an eye out and if you see any suspicious activity call California Fish and Games Tip line at 1800-541-4591. I hope everyone has the opportunity to get out this time of year and go bass fishing. It truly is one of the best times of the year to catch a lot of fish and your biggest fish ever. If you want to get in on the action feel free to contact me and book your trip. If you are a veteran, active military, or a first responder can enter the giveaway going on my Instagram page until Thursday March 5th. Until next time remember to Live Fast and Catch Bass!
instagram: @livefastmovementoutdoors
Facebook: livefastmovementoutdoors
Monday, September 14th, 2015
Report: Provided by Phils Props
Salmon fishing on the Lower Sacramento river got off to a slow start this year. Reports from the Corning area are that more fish are starting to show up in that section of the river which means we are not far off of seeing them in better numbers from Red Bluff up to the Barge hole. Back trolling flatfish and back bouncing roe have been paying off with dime bright fish.
Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
Water Temp: 55-61
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: w0w great fishing going on right now!!!!!! water is super super clear fish are feeding good right at dark, getting them @ 5-15lbs. isnt there anyone elese around who fishes the sac river for stripers
City: colusaTips: shhhh!!! j/k you want to know anything about the sac river ,colusa,grimes area etc please feel free to contact me .
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009
Water Temp: 55-61
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Stripers in the sacrmento river colusa-gimes area . Been getting them on 10inch power worms and topwater. Anyone interested in doing some northern cali river fishing for stripers send me an email. now is the time to get out there so lets go!! email me
City: colusa
Wednesday, March 19th, 2008
Water Temp: 53
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Headed south out of Scottys. Plan was to just throw a few Black 6" Ribbon tail worms at the bank, rocks, snags etc. Figured on a few easy "Squawfish" and proceeded to find several on sandy flats near deeper rip rap. Several fish over 4lbs. THEN.... WHAM.. Striper! Boated 2 in 15 mins, figure they were together, as that was the only 2. Bothfish were males in the 3lb range. Released them both. Hit a few more spots fishing a similiar pattern, but Nothing! Good to see a few are already up this way. Waiting now.
City: ChicoTips: None realy. The fish I did catch were in 6 to 8 feet of water in the top of a rip/rap hole just below a sand bar. GET BIT!!!
Monday, August 13th, 2007
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
City: corning
Saturday, April 14th, 2007
Water Temp: 59
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Went out fishing in the rain and it came down pretty hard. Lots of shakers, but got 1 Keeper at 22' on sardine. Launched out of Garcia Bend and fished in about 10 feet of water near water tower.
City: SacramentoTips: Bring water proof jacket and pants when fishing in the rain.
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
Water Temp: 60
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: well the striper fishing is hot been fishing pearsons dock to grimes, worming at night been getting into big schools, caught 22 in a half hour on tuesday, and got 12 in 2 hours on wednesday, and then thurs day caught 20 fishing about 3 hours. So get out their about 7:00 at night and youll get them.
City: sutter,california
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Fished from Meridian for several hours...tried swim baits, jigs and top water, but no luck. The rain and wind has really stained the water as of the 23rd.
City: Yuba City
Thursday, March 10th, 2005
Water Temp: 58 degrees
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: stripes should be here around the 20th. if the water keeps going down expect a short season. the water is already 58. as soon as it hits 63, 64 they will be ready to spawn. the local lauches are all in bad shape. prices have nearly doubled at all of them too. all of april will be the heart of the season
City: colusa -
Water Temp: 58 degrees
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: stripes should be here around the 20th. if the water keeps going down expect a short season. the water is already 58. as soon as it hits 63, 64 they will be ready to spawn. the local lauches are all in bad shape. prices have nearly doubled at all of them too. all of april will be the heart of the season
City: colusa